The Tanin Khalagh Basteha Company (BASTEHA) began its work in 2013 as a packaging authority in Iran and the organizer of the sole independent international event in packaging design in the country. Ever since its inception to date, BASTEHA has continuously supported and complemented designers and producers of packages and taken effective steps towards its goals with its activities and approaches. BASTEHA is not affiliated to any private or public entities or organizations and is run as an independent company.
The BASTEHA website has guided and supported the package designers of Iran since its nascence by holding exhibitions and seminars in this field. The exhibition prizes and yearly competitions which changed to two-yearly events in 2015 have found a prominent place in the packaging design community throughout these years and become the bedrock of contests in the industry, thus leading to the advancement of packaging designers. The works submitted by the designers are showcased in these events, and statuettes and valuable prizes and packages are awarded to the selected artists after the judgment is completed by a panel of renowned and professional international judges and professors. Extensive news coverage of biennial events by news websites in the country and all media platforms linked to BASTEHA give the selected artists and active sponsors the chance to be seen every time the event is held. By organizing biennial exhibitions, BASTEHA has been able to keep hope and incentive for growth alive among packaging designers and play a significantly effective role in Iran, to grow and expand the art and industry in the country as the only specialized packaging design event.
All independent designers of packaging, in-house studios in organizations, advertising agencies, and students have the possibility to show their works on the BASTEHA website at no charge and connect with numerous clients. The approval or rejection of the works submitted to the BASTEHA website is based on primary design inclusion criteria with an approach to creating room for collective growth in packaging design with the least obstacles because BASTEHA is always trying to leave space for young designers to find their footing. Also, posting the works on the BASTEHA Instagram page “FREE of CHARGE” is a suitable platform for the designers to be seen and critiqued for their designs. Having a personal file means that the works of a designer or entity can be searched by the name of the designer or product. At the same time, posting the contact information of every designer at the discretion of the profile owner means that they can be contacted by their professional audience or prospective clients. What sets the BASTEHA websites aside from many other websites in Iran and abroad is the lack of intervention or subscription charges for the designers, or acting as the middleman between the designers and clients. BASTEHA will always act as an impartial supporter for the designers and clients should they require its help.
BASTEHA has a wide audience of designers, interested parties in packaging design, manufacturers, and industry owners on a huge scale inside and outside of Iran which is growing at a quick pace due to its excellent, clear performance. In the meantime, designers and entities seeking to manufacture a product visit the BASTEHA website to find ideas or access the crème de la crème in packaging design from different perspectives. Tactics for packaging design, printing facilities, and structure production and design are all part of the useful information at the disposal of visitors on the BASTEHA website.